Ulrich Eydam

I am a post-doc researcher in the ARIADNE project at the chair of economic growth, integration and sustainable development of the University of Potsdam.
My general field of research is macroeconomics with a focus on macroeconomic modelling, institutions and climate policy. I currently analyse the implications of climate policies for fiscal policy and aggregate dynamics. Thereby, I examine potential distributional effects of the policy mix and assess the economic consequences of the German decarbonisation process. My other projects cover empirical work on institutional development, the modelling of inequality dynamics and methods for solving heterogenous agent models.
I received my PhD from University of Potsdam and worked as a research associate at the chair of economic growth, integration and sustainable development during my dissertation.
Research Interests:
- Macroeconomic Dynamics (Environmental Policy and Distribution),
- Development Economics (Growth and Institutions),
- Financial Economics (Financial Stability and Banking Regulation).